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[[HA]]MPTON, VA., JANUARY Correspondence. For The True Southerner. Interesting Facts, the Soul of Slavery. MR. EDITOR:— I suppose you have heard how things are being conducted in Isle of Wight. I was at one of our meetings on New Year's night and a colored gentleman named Capt. B. J. Boseman made the enclosed deposition before me — and also gave me a copy of a letter from Mrs. Minnie Drew to her husband Austin Drew who lives on Smith's farm near Hampton. The deposition and letter speak for them-selves. Give them to the world. STATE OF VIRGINIA, } CITY OF NORFOLK. } to wit: Captain B. J. Boseman (col'd) aged 53 years, a resident of Troy, N.Y., who is engaged in the coasting trade, and does business at New Port News, Va., on oath declares that he was at Smithfield, Isle of Wight County, Va., on or about the 24th day of December 1865, and that all colored persons not having homes and twelve month's provision, are being hired out at public auction to the highest bidder, in some cases able bodied colored men have been hired out for twenty five dollars per year, that boys 15 or 18 years of age have been and are being hired out for $12 or 15, per year not including clothing and doctor's bill. Deponent states that a man named B. Gray, the former rebel Sheriff, (still dressed in rebel uniform) superintends said work and acts as a wholesale standing witness to the so-called contracts between the colored and white people. The colored people are threatened that if they do not submit quietly that they will be punished until they do. (Signed) B. J. BOSEMAN. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of January 1866, T.L.R. BAKER, Notary Public. The following letter from Mrs. Minnie Drew to her husband Austin Drew, who lives at Smith's farm near Hampton, Va., was read and answered by Capt Boseman. SURRY COUNTY, Va., } Dec. 24, 1865. } DEAR HUSBAND:"— I have been looking for you some time, I want you to come as soon as you can, if you don't the Yankees will hire me out, for they say that all that have not homes by New Year's day, Monday will be hired out to the highest bidder. I am in a great deal of trouble and don't know what to do until
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