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(Signed)  B. J. BOSEMAN.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of January 1866,
Notary Public.

The following letter from Mrs. Minnie Drew to her husband Austin Drew, who lives at Smith's farm near Hampton, Va., was read and answered by Capt Boseman.

Dec. 24, 1865. }

DEAR HUSBAND:"— I have been looking for you some time, I want you to come as soon as you can, if 
you don't the Yankees will hire me out, for they say that all that have not homes by New Year's day, Monday will be hired out to the highest bidder. I am in a great deal of trouble and don't know what to do until until I hear from you,

Your affectionate Wife,

I certify that the above is a true copy.
Testi. T.L.R. BAKER. N.P.

My God! Is there no remedy for all this? If this is a sample of President Johnson's reconstruction, God save us the sacred blood which has flowed in torrents to protect the Government, and to wash out the sins of our nation, — The murder and torture at Salsbury, — Libby and Andersonville, — the Butchery of Loyal men at Fort Pillow, — Olustee and Wagner seems almost to have been in vain. The sins of the nation are being visited on us the children of the third and fourth generation, some of these sins are resting on the head of the President, and God will surely avenge the innocent blood of the hosts of our Martyrs and heroes whose imperishable fame can never die. Light begins to dawn on the path of blood that we have tread for more than two hundred and forty six years. The gates of hell stand open and Satan bids his faithful servants to come and enjoy with him the fruits of the tree of death.


Jun. 6th, 1866. }

THE TRUE SOUTHERNER, HAMPTON, VA:— You will see that old Virginia is reconstructing with a vengeance. If they cannot have Slavery they will have land monopoly. How contemptable to withdraw the only chance the poor Freedmen have to get to mother earth without paying tribute to the noble blooded white Virginian!

Waste lands of the State.— House bill, entitled an act to prohibit the farther entry of waste and unappropriated lands of the State, or any grant of such, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Trout, and, the rules being suspended, the bill passed.

I notice another sweet scented incence going out of this admirably reconstructed communiity, no more negroes to be allowed to come into the State.

Resolved That the Committee for Courts of Justice be instructed to report a bill providing against the settlement of negroes, not now residents of this State, within the limits of the same."

The above with the addition of the "preemption from paying debts act," caps the climax. For the sake of humanity, press the colonization scheme to its utmost, and let the growlers of 

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