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Office Supt. Refugees &c. 9th Dist.,
Fort Monroe, Va., Feb. 15th 1866.

Col. O. Brown.
Asst. Comr Freedmen's Bureau, State of Va.,
Richmond, Va.,

I have the honor to request transportation for the following named persons to their former homes to relieve the Gov't. of their support, to wit.

Lucy Samuel = Washington City, D.C., order 64 approved

Wm Magills =  To Richmond, Va., lives in Manchester. order 233

Eliza Peyton. To Richmond, Va., live a few miles beyond the city but can easily get home from the city. order 233
Benj. Peyton. To Richmond, Va., live a few miles beyond the city but can easily get home from the city. order 233
Clara Peyton. To Richmond, Va., live a few miles beyond the city but can easily get home from the city. order 233
Mary Alice Peyton. To Richmond, Va., live a few miles beyond the city but can easily get home from the city. order 233
Baby Peyton. To Richmond, Va., live a few miles beyond the city but can easily get home from the city. order 233 To Richmond, Va., live a few miles beyond the city but can easily get home from the city. order 233

I am, Colonel.
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
C. B. Wilder
Capt, A.Q.M. and Supt. Ref. &c 9th Dist.,

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-17 18:53:00 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-18 10:22:32 as there were only three words transcribed. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-18 11:21:42 to put each person's destination on their line instead of "}" as it is similar to "do"