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Office Supt. Refugees &c. 9th Dist.,
Fort Monroe. Va., January 26. 1866.

Col. O. Brown,
Asst. Comr Freedmen's Bureau,
Richmond, Va.,

I have the know to acknowledge the receipt of Special Orders No 15. to turn over to Mr. L. Ellison, his personal property consisting of a saw mill &c.

On calling upon Mr. Hunt for the facts in the case, I herewith enclose his explanation for your information and respectfully ask if the Engine, and Govt. Fixtures shall all go with it. It has been almost rebuilt, and many of the repairs and fixtures are a part of it. A Board of Referees have bad the case before them by your order, to determine how the matter should be adjudicated, and I expected their report about this time.

I am, Colonel,
Very respectfully
your obedient servant
C. B. Wilder
Capt. and A.Q.M. and Supt.
9th Dist.,

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