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Head quarters Sub-District of the peninsula
Williamsburg Va February 12th 1866

Respectfully returned to Major General N.A. Miles Commanding Military District Fort Monroe Va. and his attention called to the statement of facts below, which are respectfully submitted for his consideration. 
On assuming command of this Sub district, I found a very bad state of feeling existing between the landowners and the freedmen, tending to a disturbance, of the public tranquility, at any moment. The freed-men roaming about depredating — unemployed. The landowners daily losing stock and other personal property.
Several of the landed proprietors called on me for the purpose of abating, if possible, this unfortunate state of affairs. I advised them to assemble together and prepare a statement of these matters together with an expression of their views as to their willingness — or not — to bring the Colored of the County and the lands together on such terms as might be for the benefit of all the people. I was present, but took no part in this meeting, Captain Wilder and Churchill were both here on that day, were invited, but were not present. A copy of the proceedings of that meeting were sent to me and I had the same forwarded to you.
It seemed to me that the object of the Freedmen's Bureau was to better the condition of the freed-men, and that the Bureau would favor any equitable means of bringing the labor and land together for the good of the whole people and to increase the Revenues of the United States Government.