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Head Quarters
Sub-Dist of the Peninsula Feby 1st 1866

Respectfully returned to Maj Gen Miles, Comdg Miltary District of Fort Monroe.
Churchill asked for a for a school house, I sent Capt Barker at once to select a building, — he did so, notified Churchill and Mr. Vining, Supt Friends Society for educating the colored children, — I also notified Mr. Vining, — Churchill has never asked of me any other building, for this or other purposes. The statements in Churchills letter are simply lies, — 
The voice of the whole people here is condemnatory of this man, all unite in calling him a scoundrel. —

It has always been my wish to aide the Bureau to the extent of my power and have never failed to do so, all statements to the contrary are false in every particular, —
The probable trouble with Churchill, is that he knows I am fully aware of his true character, and his is evidently uneasy under the surveillance of honest people. —

My predecessor in Command and his predecessor entertained   the same opinion of Churchill, the whole peope [[people]] hold.

I have the honor to state that I fully agree with them, and that the only purpose he can serve is to create disreputable trouble in the limits of this command, — in view of these facts, I respectfully ask the matter be referred to the Bureau with a request that an honest man be sent to relieve Churchill.

P. W. Stanhope
Bvt Major USA
Comdy Sub-Dist of the peninsula