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Fort Magruder Jan 26th 1866
Capt C. B. Wilder A.Q.M.
Supt Buscan R.F. & A.L.

I have been looking about today for a place to stop, and for an office, I don't find [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] any yet in Williamsburg. I find buildings in Ft. Magruder I asked Major Stanhope if he could let us have them, or some of them, he said no, they were Government buildings & I could not have them, he said Mr. Weigel (one of my men you know) was living in one of them & dam him he had got to get out of there dam quick I found I could do nothing with him & left if you want those buildings for your Offices & the Bureau you must get an order & that immediately, or perhaps, Mr. Weigel may have to move & no where to move to, I am inclined to think if I go to Williamsburg I shall find it very hard work to get along with Major Stanhope, he reflects very hard upon all of us, he said a great many things very unpleasant, if you have any other place to put me I wish you would unless Col. Brown insists upon my staying there I feel that I have been abused enough by unprincipled men, I feel that anything that I may do the Major will try to thwart & make it very unpleasant