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Richmond Va Feb 2 1866

Col. O. Brown 
Comr F. Bureau &.c

On my return I found my letter addressed to you on the 12th ultimo requesting to be informed If I could take possession of my Farm at York Town under your order of restoration, returned directing my attention to the endorsement of one of your agents at that place, in the following words. 

"Office Asst Supt 9th Dist Va 
York Town Va Jany 23 1866

Respectfully returned with information that no objection is known at this office to the restoration of the property to the within named Man, in case he is willing to allow the Freedmen already upon his farm to to rent the land at the rates established by Govermt
Signed F.S. Massey
1st Lt VRC Asst Supt"

Thus you will see the imposed condition.
You will please inform me whether you endorse this as your order. I was not aware that govermt had stipulated any price for the rent of land to which he refers. if so you will please inform me what it is and its conditions before I can reply.

Saml C White.

PS you will please inform me allso if you have been able to collect the rent for which I gave you the receipted amount and if not the cause of delay. 

Transcription Notes:
"DS" = Dear Sir "Ultimo" = previous month