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Freed persons on his estate. I know of no gentleman who stands higher in the estimation of the Community than he does. The Freedmen who worked on the North Wales & Broad Neck Farms last year claim that he promised them compensation for their labor, but have no proof but their own statement. his overseers of both plantations say they were not promised any pay for their services. The persons spoken of as being supported on the Carter farms are old & infirm people who as Slaves formerly belong to Mr Carter, if this report be not sattisfactory I respectfully ask that an Inspecting officer be sent into the Caroline Sub District to investigate

Ed. Murphy
Lieut & Asst Supt.

Office Supt 4th Dist Va
Gordonsville Feb 24 1866

Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst. Commissioner. In addition to the report of Lieut Murphy I would state, that the commission for the trial of Allen was dissolved in consequence of the officers composing said commission being ordered to be mustered out of service. There is conclusive evidence that a man (col'd) was shot in the finger

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Ass't Com'r. State of Va.
Richmond, Va. Feb. 27/66.

Resp't'y returned to Capt. T.F.P. Crandon, Supt 4th Dist. Va. who will prefer charges against Allen & forward the same to this office. He will also report the number of indigent freedmen on the Carter Estate.

By order of Col. O. Brown.
James A. Bates
Capt. and A.A.A.G.


Office Supt 4th Dist. Va
Gordonsville March 1 1866

Respectfully referred to Lieut Murphy Asst Supt Sub District of Hanover to comply with the [[strikethrough]] request [[/strikethrough]] instructions of Col O Brown

T Frank P Crandon
Capt & A.Q.M


Three (3) Enclosures