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back at right angles one hundred and thirty six feet four inches to the North side of Capitol Street; bounded on the East by said Tenth street, being the same real estate conveyed by Mann L. Valentine and wife to said Mills, by deed dates 11th February 1860, duly accorded in Richmond Hustings Court. The said Charles L. Mills covenants that he has the right to convey the said land to the grantee; that except the execution of the foregoing trust deed, he has done no act to encumber the said land; that the grantee shall have quiet possession of the land free from all other encumbrances, and that the said parties of the first part will execute such further assurance of the said land as may be requisite. The said Joel B. Watkins, for and in consideration of the premises, and the recitals in the foregoing deed, doth hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the said Charles L. Mills, that he will assume the bond of $4.153 86/100, with all the interest accruing thereon from its date, and that he will pay the interest thereon regularly, half yearly on the 11th days of August and February in each year, until the 11th February 1865, when the principal falls due, and that when the said principal falls due, he will pay the same, and generally do whatever may be necessary to fully protect and save harmless the said Mills from all loss or damage, which he may in any manner sustain by reason of the existence of said bond. 

Witness the following signatures and seals.
Charles L. Mills   seal
C. N. Mills   seal

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