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Office Supt. Refugees &c., 9th District Va., 
East Monroe, Va., Feb. 27th 1866. 

Col. O. Brown, 
Asst. Comr Freedmen's Bureau,
Richmond, Va.,


I have the honor to call your attention to the recent order of Col. W.L. James. Q.M. &c. directing all the Qr Mr Horses and Mules in this Dist. to be sold at Public Auction.

It is absolutely necessary that some of these animals should be retained for the use of the Bureau, for hauling wood to the sick and destitute, moving cabins, breaking up ground, hauling rations &c. If all are sold, business must come to a stand still or be conducted in a most awkward and expensive manner. I therefore respectfully request that one four (4) Horse team be reserved for these Hd Qtrs., three 4-Horse teams at Downey Farm; two 4-Horse or Mule teams at Yorktown, and one 4-Horse or mule team at Williamsburg, making in all twenty eight (28) Horses and Mules. There should be retained, for the use of orderlies at least eight (8) horses, while there is a deficiency of three (3) horses for Asst. Supts.

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