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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Claim Division
Washington, March 19th 1866

Col. O. Brown
Asst. Commissioner State of Va.
Richmond Va

By direction of Maj Gen'l. O.O. Howard Commissioner, I have the honor to inform you that the Claim for Bounty of Alexander Richardson, late Sergeant Co "B" 1st Rgt U.S.C. Cavalry and Chas Maho, late Private Co "E" 46th Rgt USC Infty, whose discharges and Power of Attorney were forwarded by you March 9th 1866, cannot be prosecuted until the following questions is answered.

Were the men mustered on the rolls as "free on or before April 19th 1861"? If they were free at that time and the Must. Off. failed to muster them as such, the Soldier should make oath before a civil or military Officer authorized to administer oaths, either that he was free on the 19th of April 1861, or that he was at the time of Enlistment, actually enrolled and subject to draft in the State in which he was enrolled (or enlisted) as required by sec. 3. Act June 15th 1864

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