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Richmond Virginia
March 27th 1866

To Col. O. Brown
Ass't. Com'r &c
Mrs. Rosetta H. Tunnell, the widow of John W. Tunnell, of Accomack County Va. represents by me, her attorney in fact, that her husband John W. Tunnell died in the year 1856, leaving her his widow and one child, Wm. S. Tunnell, who was at the beginning of the war between the United Stated and the Confederate States but fifteen (15) years of age.  The will of the said John W. Tunnell devised his land, lying on or near Pocomoke River in said county, to said Wm. S. Tunnell under certain limitations and contingencies therein contained; and, as yet the said Wm. S. Tunnell is entitled to said land.  The estate of the said John W Tunnell is still unsettled and his debts are still due to his creditors.  His son, Wm. S. Tunnell, joined the Confederate army in the year 1861, and continued in its service until the surrender of the army of Northern Virginia, by Genl. Robt. E. Lee, at Appomattox C.H., on the 9th of April 1865, when he became a paroled prisoner of war with permission, by capitulation, to go to his home and remain unmolested so long as he obeyed the laws of the United States.  His said lands were never seized until after the said surrender.  They were then seized by a certain Dr. Henry