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Amelia C H Va August 1st 1866

Major Genl O O Howard
Commissioner &c

Sir   the undersigned having been chosen one by the Whites and the other by the Coloured people of the County of Amelia to represent each class in the Freedmans court lately acting here having just heard that Capt W H White Provo Martial and Freedmans agent at the station has been lately relieved by your special order No 196, and very respectfully ask that the order be countermanded for the reason that we know that he has given great satisfaction in his Official intercourse with this Community and as we have set with him on the trial of a great number of cases in the freedmans Court since December last we can truly say we do not think his place can be supplied by any new appointment

Very Respectfully submitted

W.J. Cheatham.
John. G Jefferson