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State of Virginia
County of Henrico
I, Gustavus Branch, do solemnly swear that I am the identical who served by that name as a Landsman on board the United States St Shenandoah in the year 1864, when she captured the prizes Cornubin "Ella" Ellas & ((Annie?)) and who is named in the certificate of discharge dated 17 June, 1865, signed by Frank H. Ames and J.M. of steamer "Madison" which is herewith presented and surrendered. I also solemnly swear that I am now 33 years of age; am a native of Chesterfield Co Va; that I enlisted at Fort Monroe, on or about the 9 day of June, 1862 in the grade of Third class Boy; that my ship's number was 133. I also solemnly swear that I have not made any previous assignment of our application for the prize money now claimed by me,  ; and, further, that I now reside at Manchester Richmond Va and employed as a farmer, and that I am unable to obtain a certificate from any of the officers under whom I served; and the applicant hereby appoints WILLIAM FOWLER, Bvt. Maj. and A.A.G., Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, or his successor in office, as his lawful attorney, and authorized him to present and prosecute his claim, and to receive and receipt for all orders or moneys that may be issued or paid in satisfaction thereof.
Signed in presence of
(Signature of Claimant:)
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 1 day of August, A.D. 1866. And I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the statement of deponent, in regard to his residence and employment, is true, my knowledge of deponent being derived from the statements of  ____________and ___________, the subscribing witnesses. And I also certify that the above-named deponent appears to be about the age stated by him; that he is about __feet, ___inches in height, of _____complexion, _____hair, and ___eyes, that the foregoing declaration was carefully rec'd and explained by me to deponent before signing and that I have no witnesses in this application.
Before whom ((?))
Notary or Clerk
On this __day of __, 186_, before me, a notary public in and for the State and County aforesaid, duly qualified to administer oaths, personally appeared, __residing at ___, and employed as a __; and also __residing at __, and employed as a __, who, being duly sworn, deposes and say: That they reside and are employed as aforesaid; that they have a personal knowledge of____, who signed the foregoing oath of identity in their presence; and that he is the identical __ who served on board the United Staes __ as a __ from __ 18__, to __18__, and who is named in certificate of discharge dated __186_, and signed by ___, which he affixed in their presence to this original receipt; that their knowledge of him was obtained
And they further depose and say that they have no interest in the claim of the said
for prize money
Signed in presence of

Sworn to and subscribed the day and year above written before me, and I hereby certify that the deponent and witnesses are credible and worthy; that the foregoing joint affidavit was carefully read over and the subject matter therein contained explained by me to affidents before signing and that I have no interest whatever in this application
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and my official seal, this   day of   A.D. 1866.
X To be inserted when executed before clk of Court.