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No. 62. } 

Washington, August 11, 1866. 

The following Acts and Resolutions of Congress are published for the information and government of all concerned:-


I Act increasing pensions of widows and orphans 1 
II Resolution respecting bounties to colored soldiers 3
III Resolution amendatory to a Resolution respecting bounties to colored soldiers 4
IV Act to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service 5 
V Resolution to provide for publication of history of the rebellion 6 
VI Act for the relief of the 37th Iowa Volunteers 7
VII Resolution in regard to rations of Union soldiers held as prisoners of war 7
VIII Act to furnish transportation to discharged soldiers to whom artificial limbs are furnished 8
IX Resolution for relief of certain officers of the army, not regularly mustered into service 8 
X Act making appropriations for Military Academy 9 
XI Resolution respecting burial of Union soldiers 10 
XII Resolution in relation to bounties to soldiers discharged for wounds 10  
XIII Act to extend privilege of admission to the government asylum for insane 11
XIV Resolution expressing thanks to General Hancock 12 
XV Resolution expressing gratitude to officers, soldiers and seamen of the United States 12

I [PUBLIC--NO. 132.]
AN ACT increasing the pensions of widows and orphans, and for other purposes. 

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions of the pension laws are hereby extended to and made to include Provost Marshals, Deputy Provost Marshals and Enrolling Officers, who have been killed or wounded in the discharge of their duties; and for the purpose of determining the amount of pension