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claim or interest shall be benefitted by this Resolution; and the amount of such commutation shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appreciated. 
Approved, July 25, 1866. 

VIII ... [PUBLIC—No. 187.]
AN ACT to authorize the Secretary of War to furnish transportation to discharged soldiers to whom artificial limbs are furnished by the government. 
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to furnish to discharged soldiers of the United States, who have been disabled in the service as well as to those not yet discharged, transportation to and from their homes and the place where they may be required to go to obtain artificial limbs provided for them under authority of law. 
Approved, July 28, 1866.

JOINT RESOLUTION for the relief of certain officers of the army. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in every case in which a commissioned officer actually entered on duty as such commissioned officer, but by reason of being killed in battle, capture by the enemy, or other cause beyond his control, and without fault or neglect of his own, was not mustered within a period of not less than thirty days, the pay department shall allow to such officer full pay and emoluments of his rank from the date on which such officer actually entered on such duty as aforesaid, deducting from the amount paid in accordance with this Resolution all pay actually received by such officer for such period. 
SEC. 2. And be it further resolved, That the heirs or legal representatives of any officer whose muster into service has been or shall be amended hereby, shall be entitled to receive the arrears of pay due such officer or the pension provided by law for the grade into which such officer is mustered under the provisions of the first section of this Resolution.
Approved, July 26, 1866.