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State of Virginia}
City of Norfolk} to wit:

On this 6th day of October 1866 personally appeared before me, a Public Notary within and for the city and state aforesaid, George Washington late private Co "G" 10th U.S. Col'd Troops, who being duly sworn according to law doth depose and say:

That on or about July 7/66, he placed his certificate of discharge in the hands of and employed Charles C. Brown, a claim agent No 5 Main Street Norfolk Va to collect whatever U.S. Bounty that might be due him on account of his services in the war for the Union. That said Brown stated to him several times, that he (Brown) had "been employed by the Government to take the discharges of the soldiers and to turn them in to collect Bounty". That said Brown told him that when he had collected his bounty that he would charge him "one dollar" for entering his papers.

Deponent states that he believing that said Brown was in the employ of the Government, placed his claim in his hands, expecting when it was collected to pay him "one dollar" and no more. That about the early part of the month of August 1866, he visited said Brown and inquired of him what progress he had made in the collection of his bounty-that Brown replied, "Come over about next month and I will tell you better about it."
Deponent states, that during the month of September 1866, he again visited said Brown and inquired about his claim that said Brown replied; "I expect to hear from Washington in a few days, if not, I shall go there myself, I have not