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Whereas I Dr. James L. Watson of Rockbridge County, State of Virginia, have been arrested by the orders of the Commanding General of the Department of the Potomac, and Asst Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. on the charge of maliciously shooting and killing one William Medley (cold) of Rockbridge County, Va. upon being released from close custody, I do hereby give my solemn parole of honor that I will not go beyond the limits of the City of Richmond, Virginia, except by permission of the Department Commander, that I will report in person daily to said Department Commander, and that I will deliver myself up for trial on the before mentioned charge at such time and place as the Commanding General of the Department may direct. 
Jas. S. Watson

Witness. J L Rathbone}
1st Lt & ADC}

Witness. B. [[?]] Harrison

[[Note written over middle of page.]]
By Command of
Maj  Genl Schofield
O Brown
[[/Note written over middle of page.]] 

Transcription Notes:
I tried searching B. Harrison (with no middle name) for other other documents in the collection, but didn't find any matches. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-01 22:15:33