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re now useth shall & will teach & instruct or cause to be taught or instructed in the best manner that he can will & shall provide & allow unto said apprentice during during all the said term competent & sufficient meat drink, drink, washing, lodging, apparrel & all other things necessary for said apprentice, And whereas the said County Court by the order aforesaid did direct that the said Joseph Waterfield for the services of said apprentice should pay the following sums to wit: ten dollars for the year wherein he arrives to the age of eleven years, twelve dollars for the next year, fifteen dollars for the next year, eighteen dollars for the next year, twenty dollars for the next year, thirty dollars for the next year, thirty five dollars for the next year, forty dollars for the next year, forty five dollars for the next year and fifty dollars for his last years service, & the said Joseph Waterfield doth hereby covenant & agree to and with the said overseer of the poor & his successors in office that he shall & will, well & truly pay the sums of money to the said overseer of the poor or his sucessors in office for the use & objects specified in said order, In testimony whereof the said overseer of the poor & the said Joseph Waterfield have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and affixed their seals this 10th day of February A.D. 1860
(Signed) E.J. W Reed Seal
(Signed) Joseph Waterfield Seal
A True Copy
Ed Murphy
1st Lieut 10th Regt V.R.C.
Asst Supr

(Sd) W. H. White 

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