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Know all men by these presents that we Joseph Waterfield and Jno.E.T. Winder are held & firmly bound unto the overseers of the poor for Accomac County in the full & just sum of ($300.00/100)three hundred dollars lawful money of the United States the payment whereof well & truly to be made to the overseers of the poor we bind ourselves our  & each of our heirs executor & administrators jointly & severally firmly and by these presents, sealed with our seals this 10th day of Feb 1860.

The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the County Court of Accomac County did on the 26th day of September 1859 make the following order that the overseers of the poor bind John Beveans orphan of Polly Beveans as apprentice to Joseph Waterfield until he arrives at the age of 21 years, to be taught farming.  And the Court do direct that the said Joseph Waterfield pay for the services of said apprentice upon his arrival to age as aforesaid the sum of $300.00/100.                   

Now therefore if the above bound Joseph Waterfield shall well & truly pay the said sum of money at the time it shall fall due then the foregoing obligation to be void else remain in full force & virtue.

(Signed)  Joseph Waterfield [[Seal]]
(Signed)  John E.T. Winder [[seal]]
A True Copy
Ed Murphy
1st Lieut of Regt V.R.C.
Asst Supt

W. H. White