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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Assistant Superintendent Elizabeth City County, Va.
Fort Monroe, Va.,  Jan. 14th 1867.

Genl. S.C. Armstrong
Supt. 5th Dist. Va.
Bureau R.F.A.L.
   I have the honor to transmit herewith, the petition of William P. Phillips, and to submit report bearing on said petition.
   The Land mentioned in petition has been libelled by the U.S. Dist. Court, and is now held by, and born upon the records, of Bureau R.F.A.L. for this county.
   Mr. William Phillips, (petitioner) was duly notified during August 1866, that said land was held by the Bureau, and every facility was offered him for its restoration; he was however notified that in case it remained un-restored at expiration of 1866, the Bureau held the right to demand rent or to lease it to freed-men needing land.  Ample time and opportunity