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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
Headquarters, Superintendent Fifth District, Va.
Fort Monroe, Va. January 22 1867

Bvt. Brig. Gen. O. Brown


I have the honor to suggest that an Ass't Supt. be appointed to the charge of James City Co., for the following reasons. It is at present in actual charge of an irresponsible clerk of Capt Massey, active and willing, but not in my opinion competent to intelligently protect the interests of Freedpeople in that county, observe and report upon the proceedings of civil courts, encourage labor, and quiet trouble between whites & blacks. 

One is needed who shall actively and intelligently enter into the condition of things in that county, and I believe it would be an economy to even employ a Civilian Asst Supt.  A competent one could be obtained 

I could further suggest that I believe Capt. Massey can profitably employ all his