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L.B. V.2.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Superintendent Fifth District, Va.
Fort Monroe, Va. Feby 20th 1867 

Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown

I have the honor to state that Mr Goodyear has resigned his position as Asst. Supt. of Warwick Co. to date Feb 20th. and to request authority to appoint a new Asst. Supt. in case an officer shall not be detailed ; for the following reasons.

There are a number of Freedmen living on restored lands, who are to be removed, not having consent of land owners to remain; there are cases in which freedmen are involved, tried every month at Warwick Court House, too far from here, for the Asst. Supt. of this or any other county to be able properly to attend to, and the Newport News R.R. Col. have purchased one thousand acres of land in Warwick Co. upon which they propose to settle freedmen, and will rely upon the Bureau Officer in that County to arrange the disposition of their lands, making of contracts &c.

For these reasons I deem it will