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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
Headquarters, Superintendent Fifth District, Va. 
Fort Monroe, Va. March 15th, 1867.

1st Lieut. James W. Piper. 
A.A. Genl.,
I have the honor to report the following case of assault at Matthews Court House, on Monday the 11th inst., 
Mr J.H. Dixon, Custom House collector, while quietly engaged in conversation with a friend, was struck in the face by one John C. Thomas (a citizen) and seriously injured. Said Thomas calling Dixon a "damned scoundrel" or words to that effect. 
The assault was made solely on account of Mr. Dixon being a loyal man, and holding a position under the U.S. Govt., 

The feeling among the loyalists in Matthews Co. is very strong against the man Thomas, who has thus far escaped arrest, and I would earnestly recommend