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A.347. R.F.&A.L. Va. 2d Vol 1867.
Bureau R.F. & A. Lands.
Office Sub. Dist. Co's New Kent & Charles City Va.
New Kent Courthouse. Va. April 30.1867.
Brooks. N.M. Capt. V.R.C. and A.S.A.Comr
Wm Wilkinson(cold) complains of decision of E.C.Epps J.P. In Co. New Kent lately given in case of A Hewlitt (White) vs. Wm Wilkinson (Cold) suit brought to recover rent for a piece of land for year 1866. judgement given in favor of plaintiff for $25.00. asks that the case may be investigated by a Bureau officer. and justice done him.

[[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA. BUREAU OF R. F. & A. L. *** RECD. HD. QRS. ASST. COMMISIONER. MAY 11 1867[[/stamp]]

[[Stamp]] Hd Qr's Supt 5th Dist RECEIVED MAY 4 1867 [[/Stamp]]
I.B.43. V.3. 5.6.1867
Head Quarters 5th Sub Dist. Bureau R.F. and A. Lands. Fort Monroe, Va. May 6th 1867.

Respectfully forwarded to the Asst. Commr. Va.
S C Armstrong Agent 5th Sub. Dist. Va.

Bureau Refugees, Freemen and A. Lands Head Qrs Asst. Com. State of Virginia. Richmond, Va. May 11th 1867.

Respectfully returned to Genl S.C.Armstrong Agent in charge
The within statement does not show that injustice has been done to the applicant but leaves the renting of the land a question of fact; neither does the asst: S.A.C. express his approval of the application. No case in which fact as a part from law, the chief question should be forwarded to these Head Quarers without the express opinion of the local officer upon its merits.
O Brown Bvt: Brig: Genl Vols Asst Comr. 
E & M 1.v.256.67}

Bureau R.F. and A. Lands. Head Quarters 5th Sub. Dist. Va Fort Monroe, Va. May 14. 1867

Respectfully returned to Capt. N.M. Brooks A.S.A.C. inviting attention to indorsement of the Asst. Commissioner. Va. 
S C Armstrong Agent 5th Sub Dist. Va.

LV. 51. v.3.}

[[Stamp]] Hd Qr's Supt 5th Dist RECEIVED MAY 14 1867 [[/Stamp]]