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the face with a pistol he had in his right hand.
Edwards tried to get away and the man shot him in the side of the head the ball entering the ear, glancing and coming out of the cheek.
Edwards does not know who  the men were and as it was rather dark (it was before day break but the moon was shining) he could not see them well enough to give any description of them except that the one who shot him appeared to have on grey clothes and a cap. and that both were white men
Edwards wife and daughter make the same statement he does;  After the shooting the men left without causing any further trouble.
The civil authorities investigated the case and I did everything in my power to obtain information that would lead to the detection of the guilty parties but no clue was found.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Hiram S Hunt
Bvt Capt & A. S. A. C.