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Interference exists but not to an extent to excite observation.

Lieut. Chandler Ass't. Sub. Ass't Com'r is faithful and reliable, but of limited capacity and of little executive ability.

Near Kent and Charles City Counties.
Capt. N.M. Brooks Ass't. Sub. Ass't. Com'r  office at new Kent Court House.

The Records of this office are complete and creditable. The Register of Marriages is nearly finished.  Civil Justice is administered in these counties as in the county of James City.

Cap't. Brooks complains of the large fees of lawyers. During the last year in both counties several cases have come before the court illustrating the over-bearing disposition of civil officers. They have been duly reported. 

In riding through these counties I found several cases of freedmen who had suffered from unjust division of crops last year, but, owing to the looseness of their engagements are unable, even if they had the resources, to make anything out of civil-suits.

The truth is in such large

Transcription Notes:
Unable to read one particular word, perhaps part of an official title, that appears several times. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-06 10:56:01 because there were more than 2 [?] remaining.