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Blank No. 1 
The rules of this Company require that all messages received for transmission, shall be written on the message blanks of the Company, under and subject to the conditions printed thereon, which conditions have been agreed to by the sender of the following message.
O. H. PALMER, Sec'y. J. H. WADE, Pres't.

Dated, Ft Monroe July 19 1867
Received at Richmond July 19 
To Capt Mallory AAAG

Will send abstracts & receipts called for soon as received from Lt. Chandler The receipts were sent to Col Whytal by Bvt Maj White to be taken up on July acct & were by him sent to Lt Chandler for correction.
S.C Armstrong

41 DH Govt

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-06 16:22:30 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-07 14:43:01