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I John W Wyatt of the town of Canandaigua Ontario County New York aged twenty four years and upwards and being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say:

First:- I give and bequeath to my beloved mother Mary Hawkins, who before the breaking out of the present Rebellion lived at Little Plymouth in King & Queen County in the State of Virginia, Five Hundred Dollars of the Bounty which I am to receive from the County of Ontario State of New York by reason of having enlisted in the service of the United States, provided the said Mary Hawkins claim the said sum within two years of my decease or it is satisfactorily ascertained by my executor hereafter named within said two years that my said mother be living, then said sum to be paid to her.

Second: I give and bequeath to my

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-07 08:48:20