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beloved sister Henrietta Kidd of Little Plymouth aforesaid Five Hundred Dollars of the said bounty provided the said Henrietta claims said sum of money within two years after my decease or it is satisfactorily ascertained by my executor hereinafter named within two years aforesaid that my said sister be living then said sum to be paid her.
Third: Should one of said persons (my mother or my sister) be found and the other known to be dead within the time above limited then and in that case I give and bequeath the sum of One Thousand Dollars to the one living
Fourth: Should my executor hereinafter named hear nothing of my said mother and sister within the time above limited then and in that case I give and bequeath unto Alice I. Haley of Canandaigua said County of Ontario said sum of One Thousand Dollars.
Fifth: I hereby nominate and appoint George N. Williams of Canandaigua aforesaid the executor of