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Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Office 3rd Div. 5th Sub Dis'ct. Va.
Yorktown. York Co. Aug 16.1867


I have the honor to make application for a "Leave of Absence" for fifteen (15) days, to date from September 3rd 1867, for the purpose of visiting my home in Dubuque Iowa, and attending to important private business, which requires my personal attention at that time.

Registration is now complete in this County final reports of the same will be immediately forwarded. - I have had no "Leave of Absence" for one year and it is most earnestly hoped that the above application will meet with your favorable consideration

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your ob't servant
F.J. Massey.
Bv't Capt and Ass't Sub Ass't Com.

Genl S.C. Armstrong
Agent in charge 5th Sub Dist Va.
Fortress Monroe Va.