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Andrew Johnson
President of the United States of America.

To all whom these presents shall come

Whereas C.F. Berkeley of Loudoun County Virginia, by taking part in the late rebellion against the Government of the United States, has made himself liable to heavy pains and penalties.

And whereas, the circumstances of his case render him a proper object of Executive clemancy.

Now therefore, be it known, that I, Andrew Johnson, President of the United States of America, in consideration of the promises, divers other good and sufficient reasons me thereto moving, do hereby grant to the said C.F. Berkeley, a full pardon and amnesty, for all offences by him committed arising from participation, direct or [[strikethrough]] indirect [[/strikethrough]] inferred, in the said rebellion conditioned as follows, Viz. this pardon to begin and take effect from the day on which the said CF Berkeley, shall take the oath proscribed in the Proclamation of the President, dated May 29th 1865 and to be void and of no effect if the said CF Berkeley, shall hereafter, at any time acquire any property whatever in slaves, or make use of slave labor.

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