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Bureau R F and A Lands
Office of Asst Supt 3d Dist
Richmond Va 30th Jany/67

Captain James A Bates
Superintendent 3d Dist Dept of the Potomac

I have the honor herewith respectfully to submit the following report.

On the 29th ult, Thomas W Hall cold, was shot and mortally wounded by private John Brennan of Co H 29 Regt US.I. stationed at Libby Prison, under the following circumstances.

At the time and place above Mentioned, about twenty or thirty colored people had congregated, their attention having been attracted by the arrival of a Company of the 11th U.S.I. from Camp Grant The cold people it appears collected in front of the prison, and upon being ordered away by private "Brennan" immediately dispersed, with the exception of "Hall"

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-10 21:53:47