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To Capt Clinton Provost Martial &c Amelia C H Va
Dear Sir
I have obtained the following statement of facts from Oliver Ingram, the Freedman of whom I spoke to you a few days ago, who is at present an Inmate at this place.

He was formerly a slave of Mr Giles A Miller of this County. When he was perhaps 10 years old he had his left leg broken between the knee and ankle. It has since been larger than the other and weather Mr Miller would not allow him to do any hard work or plough at all. Since he has been thrown upon his own resources, He has been compelled to plough which caused His leg to swell much worse. Sometime last year his leg began to rise and has continued to rise & break ever since. He has no Father or Mother living now any relative to whom he can go to for help consequently He has been sent to this institution by Mr. R Giles Overseer of the poor from District No.1
Oliver seems anxious To have His leg amputated as He thinks it is growing worse.
I have thought that if he would be sent to the United States Hospital at Richmond it might it[[strikethrough]] might[[/strikethrough]] be taken off and save his life.

Oliver seems to be a good Boy I should be glad if something could be done for him. He dont know his age but seems to be about 17 or 18 years of age.

March 7th 1867

Very Respectively
B. W. Bailey Agent
For Overseers of the Poor for
Amelia County State of Virginia