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Mathews C H. Va May 27th 1867

Genl O. Brown 
Bureau R F. & A.L. 
Richmond Va

Genl: The undersigned loyal Union men, residents and property holders of this County, Respectfully address you in regard to the withdrawal of Capt. H R. Howlett, Agent, from this sub district, and the substitution of Majr. F K. Smith in his place. We beg to say that we have tried Maj. Smith before, and found him wanting in all the requisites we expect in an agent. We have found him the fast-friend and supporter of the rebels, to the exclusion of Loyal men. We know that his habits do not savor of sobriety; but the reverse

We are well persuaded that should he be permited to [[strikethrough]] remain [[/strikethrough]] resume, the functions of Agent, we shall be put down and crushed by the influence; the secessionists exercise over him. 

In fact, Genl, in case Maj Smith be permited to resume the position of Agent, in this county, the Union cause is lost in our district. The secessionists are jubilant at the prospect of his return, but the freedmen declare they will never recognise him, as they have had too much reason to know him. If under these circumstances you should remove Capt Howlett, and reinstate Maj Smith; it will be a public calamity

Leroy Bohannan 
Wm G. Lilly
John W Warde 
Levi. D. Marchant

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