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This Deed, made this 22nd day of March 1862 
between the West Point Land Company,
of the one part, and  

A.G. Baylor
of the other part: witnesseth - what the said West Point Land Company, in consideration of the sum of Two hundred and Fifty dollars the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doth grant onto the said A G Baylor
a certain lot or parcel of land, part and parcel of a tract of land in the County of King William, and state of Virginia, at the confluence of the Pamunkey and Mattaponi Rivers, called and known as, West Pond, and designated as lot number Four hundred and thirty one (431) in the plat and survey of the said Land of the said West Point Land Company, made by James M. Daniel, Esq., and now on file in the office of the said Land Company, and bounded as follows: Fronting on D Street fifty feet and running back on Seventh Street one hundred and fifteen (115) feet.

The said West Point Land Company releases to the said grantee all its claims upon the said Land; and covenants, that they will warrant generally the property hereby conveyed; that they have the right to convey the said land to the grantee; that the grantee shall have quiet possession of the said