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Bureau R F and AL.
Hd. Qr 5" Dist Va
Fort Monroe Sept 3d 67

Respectfully returned to the Asst Comr inviting attention to indorsements of Col Whytal and Col. Raymond

S C Armstrong
Agt 5 District Va

Hd Qrs [[?]] District of Virgini,
RICHMOND, VA. Sept. 5th 1867.

Respectfully returned to Genl. S. C. Armstrong, Agent in Charge 5th Sub. Dist., Va, for information in regard to the date of occupation as quarters, by Bvt. Lt. Col. T. G. Whytal, of a part of the building herein named

O Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. Vols.
Asst Com'r.
[[stamp]] Hd Qr's Supt 5th Dist RECEIVED SEPT 10 1867 [[/stamp]]

Chesapeake Fem. College
Septr 3. 1867

Respectfully returned to Genl S. C. Armstrong with the following statement of facts.

The Building (not the estate - which comprises forty acres, & several Buildings besides the College Building-) Known as Chesapeake Female College was, in the Fall of 1865, and by order of Genl. Miles then commanding the sub-District of Fortress Monroe, turned over in substance as follows.
the undivided half, to Chas. A. Raymond for the benefit of himself and the loyal owners he represents; and one undivided half to Capt. Flagg A.Q.M. for the benefit of the Bureau R. F. & A.L.

In the month of April 1866 Capt. Whytal called upon me, introducing himself as an A.Q.M. in charge of the property of the Bureau in this District, and