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half of the estate, insured the preservation of the building to as great an extent as its occupancy by others. It also appears that a portion of this building was occupied by one of its Loyal Owners (Mr Raymond) for a period of Five (5) months from October 1866 to March 1867, as an Academy, from which, he received certain pecuniary benefit

Garrick Mallery,  Cap't and Bv't Maj USA
Mont. S. Reed, 1st Lieut V.R.C.
F.I. Massey,  1st Lieut & Bv't Cap't V.R.C.

O Brown
Bvt. Brig Genl
Asst. Com'r

Transcription Notes:
Do not hit enter at the end of the written line. (It turns all janky when the next transcriber changes orientation)