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[[7 columned table]]
| Names of Prisoners | When Committed |  For What Committed | When Tried | For How Long. | Awaiting Trial | Remarks of Prisoners And. &c |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| 15. Meekins William Cold | May 24th | Misdemeanor | June. 22. | Cont. Husting | Stealing 5 Pistols from Mr. Southerland. | 

| 16. Senor. Thos White. | May 27th | Misdemeanor | May 27. | C Husting |   | For stealing one pr. of shoes. | 

| 17. Robinson Carter. Cold | May 28. | Misdemeanor | By Judge Meredith | 6 Mo Sup. and a fine of 30$ |   | Tried on 'Meredith' Court for Riot  This man had no counsel and state he was done unjustly by as he was innocent | 

| 18. Fisher Chs. White | June 1st | purchg. old Iron | Sent on to Husting | C Bail 150 |   | This man state that he was and is
innocents of doing wrong in purchasing about 100 lbs of old Iron. |

| 19. Johnson Thos. Colord | June 4th | Misdem. | June 6th | Husting Court. |   | charged with stealing shoes from a Jew on Main st. |

| 20. Fisher Ed'wd. Colord | June 4th | Misdem. | June 6th | Husting Court. |   | Chged with stealing 3 pair shoes. |

| 21. Folkes Thos white | June 10th | Feloney | June 10 | Husting Court |   | Charged with attempting to rob John [[?]] after a weeks works. |

| 22. Christian Ida, Cold. | June 11th | Misdem. | June 11th | Husting Court |   | Charged with beating a white child |

| 23. Beckwith C N. white | June 13 | Misdem. | June 13 |   | Bail 500. Bail 200 | For Beating his Wife. |

| 24. Alick Colord. | June 17 | Misdem. | June 16th |   |   | this man I think is only held a witness. see "Mayo Book |

| 25. Jackson Jas. Colord. | June 22 | good behavior. | June 22 | 10 days in chain "gang." | Bail. 200 | "Discharged" |

| 26 Brown Charles Colord | June 24th | Misdemenor | June 25 | Husting Court. |   | Charged with taking a watch of a Mr. Johnson  see evidence. |

| 27 Marks Spencer D. white | June 29 | Misdemenor | July 1st |   | this man, relatives will & can get him out Bail 300 good Behavor |

| 28 |   |   |   |   |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
Hustings court - a type of court originally from England but also held in Virginia