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[[7 columned table]]
| Name of Prisoner | When committed | For what committed | When Tried | For how long | Awaiting Trial | Remarks of Prisoner and &c |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 43. Branch, Moses. Cold. | July 15th | Good Behavior | July 15th |   |   | Chg'd.  being drunk Bail, 150 for good conduct. |

| 44. Henderson, David Cold. | July 17th | Good Behavior | July 17th |   |   | Charged with fighting with Bail $150 |

| 45. Ware, Frederik Cold. | July 17th | Misd'r. | July 17th | Husting |   | this boy is chgd. with taking $300 from the pckt of fellow workman. |

| 46. Defoe John. Cold. | July 17th | Larceny |   |   | Husting Court. | this man took $26.10 from J. Whalen Cold. |

| 47. Robinson Elizia cold | March 25 | Felony |   |   | awaiting trial Husting Court. | Chged with cuting a mad with a razor |

| 48. Jeter, Saml. white | March 25 | good behavior |   |   |   | this boys mother will take him out when she she is going away |

| 49. Brown, Jim cold. | Mar. 1st | Felony | March 11. | Lyons Court. |   | Chged. with being in a Lumber House where he was in search of a friend |

| 50. Williams Jeremy cold | Feby 19. | Felony | March 11. | Lyons Court. |   | Charged with takeing money from a solder |

| 51. Fick J W. white | Feby 19. | Felony | March 11. | Lyons Court |   | Charged with attempt at Rape. "Sick" |

| 52. Washington Geo Cold | Feby 16 | March 11. | Husting Court |   | Chgd. with takeing some clothes |

| 52. Farmer Walter. cold. | Feby 11th | Misdr. | Feby 14th | 60 days in "chain" gang. fine $100 |   | Charged with fighting with a white man |

| 53. Harvy John. Cold. | Janry 15 | Felony. |   | Lyons Court. |   | Chged. with stealing Bacon 1½ pc's |

| 54. Pearsons Jas W. Cold. | Nov 19 '66 | Felony. | Nov 27. | 12 mo. |   | Charged with Breaking a window |

| 55. Perrin Jack, Cold. | Nov. 5th | Trouble with a policeman. | Febry. 15th | 6 mo in 'chain' gang. |   | this man had a difficulty with a police man. |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-15 18:54:17