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availed themselves of the interest manifested in their behalf. The City has many attractions for them and it seems that they prefer to remain and suffer, than to seek an Asylum elsewhere. In Cities, also much suffering must ensue, when Mothers having from 4 to 6 children cannot obtain employment, because of their numerous offsprings; many of these are to be found in Richmond, and are pensioners on the Bureau. These people came to Richmond since its surrender, and consequently cannot be turned over to the overseers of the poor.

The great stagnation of business in this City is the primary cause of much suffering, effecting all classes, many who have heretofore made a competency, being now out of employment, or if employed at such low wages that they find it hard to eke a support for their families, especially is this the case with White and Colored laborers.

In regard

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-12 13:41:52