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to the rights of Colored people, when they come in contact with the Whites especially in law cases, I have the honor to report a healthier state. In a few cases injustice is  done but through the Military Commissioners - when reported - their aggrievances are redressed and their wrongs righted; from the Counties of Chesterfield and Henrico including the City of Richmond alone do the complaints arise, so far as this Office has been  informed, and but few from said places are of such a nature as to need Military interference.

The Marital relations between the Colored, is the greatest evil with which the Bureau has to contend. The act passed by the last Legislature of Virginia, on this subject has been pronounced faulty to say the least of it, and should be amended as soon as possible. The curse of Slavery left this mark as a memento of its barbarity, which I fear will last until the present generation shall have passed

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