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I can refer you to the most respectable citizens in LR should you desire it. I am under obligations to you for your kind manner may God bless you for y'r kind words, they were refreshing to my sorrow stricken spirit.
Yours with due respect
M. B Bingham 

terminate, time will have to prove. I wish to raise my little girls aright. I am a woman of many sorrows & acquainted with grief, but as  the young lady I before mentioned remarked, that she had understood you were a very kind man. I thought my application could result in no harm if it was productive of no good. I am not aware whether you have a family or not, but at least you have a Mother & perhaps sisters & as you would have others do unto them were they placed in similar circumstances. Will you be kind enough to do unto me should you in any way be kind enough to aid me, you will receive the warmest thanks of one who will ever prove grateful & who will ever pray the Lord to bless you & yours,