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To Gen'l O Brown Commissioner for the State of Virginia

Your petitioners Daniel Cumming and Charles W Hickman would respectfully represent that they are the Trustees of the Hampton Baptist Church. That a certain lot known as the parsonage lot of the Hampton Baptist Church, lying, being and situated in the Town of Hampton, and bounded as follows. viz. by the lots of Mrs MW  Collier. The Old Kitty Collier lot and the street; and that said lot is now held by the Freedmen's Bureau; and no proceedings have ever been instituted against the same. 

Your petitioners would respectfully represent they are and always have been unconditional Union men, having in no manner participated in or aided The Confederate States in the late war, at no time were they ever beyond the lines of the United State Forces - & consequently are not the subject of the Executive Clemency.

There are one or two Freedmen on the premises, but they shall not be molested, or required to leave without several months notice. It is essential to the interests of the Church that this property should be restored  -  & your petitioners would respectfully ask its restoration. 

Very Respectfully, 
Dan Cumming
C.W. Hickman