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I know the Mother of the Child will never be able to pay the money She said she would willingly pay it were she able She said she thought it was right that I should be paid. In this case I aimed to do right I kept the child took care of it and when its mother came delivered it to her Most Gladly and have not received any thing for my trouble I am in need of the money I have Nine little children — I have my bread to buy. If I were able to do with out making this appeal to you I would not do it. I know it is just. If you desire it I can give you the best of testimony of my design not only to right in this but in all matters pertaining to the freedmen of this Country. I have offered my Services to them as a Sabath School teacher and If they can procure books I will teach them every Sunday as I have done the Whites for 25 years past

I have made the above statement to you hoping to obtain some help. Capt Connelley said he thought the County should pay the debt The County will not do it. It makes no difference with me which pays. Certainly it is better for the Commonwealth to pay than for one poor man to lose it. I have no land or home of my own and never have been able to get one. I am a poor man — came honestly by it. My father was poor. Will His Excellency pardon me for thus addressing him and, if his Excellency sees fit to aid me I will feel grateful for an act so kind in doing justly in this so small a matter in his sight

Most respectfully your Obedient Servant
William. C. Crenshaw

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-15 16:16:13 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-16 17:33:05