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Halifax C.H. Virginia,
August 16th, 1867.

Lieut. George R. Buffum

In accordance with your request,
I herewith furnish you with all the information which I have, of a chancery suit instituted in this Court in May 1866, in which Suit Mary Jane Canada, who lives by her next friend, Anderson Allen, is plaintiff and John William Canada is defendant - This suit is for the purpose of a divorce from the bonds of Matrimony - and the defendant John W. Canada, having left home for parts unknown, made it necessary to proceed against him by order of Publication in some newspaper; the order of publication was sent to the "Richmond Whig". The editor of the "Whig", through inadvertence failed to send the Certificate required by law, that the order of Publication had been duly inserted in his paper. But the Certificate has been sent to me in the last few months, and the case is now ready to be tried, and will be heard at the term of the Circuit Court, which commences on the 

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