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Burkeville, Va.
Oct 2nd, 1867

In order to afford you a good idea of the condition of Affairs and Society in Lunenburg County, I have
requested the Ex Bureau Agent. Mr Geo. C. Orgain who resides in the Co, to make out a report, from his view of the case, which Report I forward enclosed.
It is extremely severe in its tone, owing to the persecution he has suffered from the Citizens, But it is in the main and in Substance correct.
The writer is Commonwealths Attorney for the County, is a Gentleman of Education and Intelligence, and I consider his Report well worth perusal.

Very Respectfully,
D.J. Connolly
Bvt Capt U.S.V. 
Asst Sub Asst Com'r

Transcription Notes:
Geo = George ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-12 08:50:59