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No 141

United States vs.

All the right title interest and Estate of Charles Dawson and Nicholas Dawson in and to all that piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Loudon Eastern District of Virginia bounded on the West by the land of Potomac Iron Co. On the South by the lands of Mrs B C Mason. On the East by the land of Daniel T. Shreves, and on the North by the Potomac River  Comprising Five Hundred acres more or less [[?]] [[?]] all the good chattels and personal property of the said Charles Dawson and Nicholas Dawson in and upon the said premises } Confiscation.

On motion of L H Chandler Esq United States District Atty under and by instructions from Attorney General of the United States It is ordered by the Court that the libel and all proceedings herein be dismissed without costs. 

Entered December 18th 1866.
W.H. Barry, Clerk.

United States District Court, District Virginia, Clerk's office. 
I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the original order made and entered in above entitled cause.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set by hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at the City of Norfolk the 19th day of December, AD 1866.

W.H. Barry  Clerk.