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He was favorably known as a medical Officer of efficiency and ability. I have seen him occasionally, and have knowledge of him almost continually, during the period since then. I have never heard,  any thing unfavorable in regard to his official, or personal character; and the fact that he has been retained in the regular service, when such multitudes of others were mustered out, or had their contracts annulled, I considered equal, to a certificate confirming all my previous views.
I had a conversation with Dr. Litch, soon after I assumed my position in the Bureau of this District. in that conversation, he intimated, as many other medical Officers had done, who had served under my orders during the war, and since than he might apply to me for a position in the Bureau. Since that time, on several different occasions, a similar experience has been made to me by him, and on each of these occasions I had informed him that my opinions, were all favorable in regard to him, as a medical Officer; with the assent of the medical authorities, whenever there was a vacancy he could occupy it.
Early after I assumed duty in this District, it was intimated to me that such medical Officers as desired service in the Bureau, would have their contracts with